Thursday, May 13, 2010

Korea delegates visit the DMZ separating North from South Korea

The delegation spent our second day in Korea participating in an emotional and tense day touring the Demilitarized Zone at the Panmunjeom Joint Security Area that separates North from South Korea. Many restrictions on photography, but we were allowed to take pictures inside the main conference building which is under control of the Korean People's Army. Korean guards stand at rigid guard ...24 hours a day - standing two hour shifts at a time. We were allowed to actually stand on the North Korean side of the conference room to shoot photos. Photos will be posted as soon as possible. The shot of the guard standing outside, facing forward was taken from inside the conference room. The shot of the concrete divider separating north from south was taken while standing on the north side, from inside the conference room. The photo with the three guards facing North Korea was taken from inside the bus. We were not allowed to shoot anything inside the Joint Security Area (JSA) from positions outside the bus. The day was followed by a brief visit to the Chogaejong Buddhist Temple in Seoul, where they are preparing for a week long festival to celebrate the birthday of Buddha.

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience for our UCC and Disciple pilgrims on this journey with the PROK colleagues. Thanks, Ed, for the posts and I'll look forward to the pictures.
