As I write this on Tuesday evening, I am reflecting with a smile about how wonderful this Annual Meeting was. All of you should know, all of you should give thanks to Ben von Ullrich for his great work editing all the video from the weekend and getting it uploaded so we can watch it again and again. He uploaded the last video about an hour ago breaking the Annual Meeting record for most hours of video edited and finishing in the shortest amount of time. Ben -- I look forward to working with you again next year.
Also, another big shout out to John Eisenhauer who patched all the cords and equipment together with his genius that allowed for all the projection at Annual Meeting, the recording of the video, and the high quality of sound on the videos. John -- I look forward to our continued collaboration as well.
And...many thanks to those who contributed as Blog authors like Jason Boyd, Nick CastroLang, Da Vita McCallister, Brandon Duran, and Margaret Irrabarra.
Enjoy the is rich with the content, life, and vibrancy of the Annual Meeting. Also, visit the PNCUCC YouTube Channel for all the videos.
Thanks to the many people who though email, a kind word, or a touch of the shoulder at the Annual Meeting expressed your appreciation to the Tech Crew. We notice and it matters! And to all of you who watched over the live stream -- you helps us reach to heights in viewership their as well.
See you online and in Pasco for next year's Annual Meeting.
Jim CastroLang
Let's hear it for JIM for herding all the GEEKS into making sure this happened AT ALL! And for the positive and fun atmosphere over on our plywood table!! YAY JIM!