Monday, May 2, 2011

Looking Back

So our 2011 Pacific Northwest Conference Annual Meeting has come to a close. Looking back on this meeting gives me a very positive feeling about the future of our conference. Our Still Speaking God indeed has more truth and light to break forth from our UCC churches in Washington, north Idaho, and Alaska.

That truth and light already started breaking forth this weekend. I hope I am not alone in already rethinking how we communicate in and from our churches. There are some boats we are missing by not moving forward with the technological tools through which God can also speak - and just because I'm typing this on an iPad2 doesn't mean I fully understand it all either. But we can walk forward together on this, and our youth and young adults can lead us. Let's listen to them.

And then there was our Open and Affirming resolution. Wow. Can I tell you just how joyful it was Sunday morning in worship to be able to tell my congregation that we declared ourselves an Open and Affirming conference without a single dissenting vote? There was - and is - great joy. I was told that the Pacific Northwest Conference has one of the highest percentages of ONA congregations in the entire UCC. I've not seen the stats on this, but this tells us that we can lead. God is calling us to lead. Let us lead the whole UCC, let us bring our voices of love and justice to all our brothers and sisters across the Body of Christ.

A "PS" -- thank you to those who came to this meeting from outside the area who joined my congregation - Kirkland Congregational Church UCC - for our Holy Humor Sunday worship. We were so glad to have you share this joyous day with us!

And with that, I draw this to a close. My Schnauzer is telling me he wants attention.....and while Davita taught us about pelicans and grasshoppers this weekend, I know the importance of tending to the Schnauzer! :-)

See everyone in Tri-Cities in 2012! Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks...Jason...good reflections on the was a good and spirited Annual Meeting. I would love to hear comments from others.
