Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thank you for a great Annual Meeting!

I knew I'd forget to thank some people in the video!

I forgot to mention my deep gratitude for the youth leaders who pulled together a great program, the many youth who so actively participated in the weekend, the young adults who connected with and shaped this year's meeting, the childcare providers, the workshop presenters, and all those who contributed to the amazing worship experiences. I'm sure there are more people to thank. It takes a lot of talented people and the grace of God to pull such a beautiful event together!

Please take a moment to download and complete the 2011 Annual Meeting evaluation. We want to carry forward the best ideas into the 2012 gathering in Pascoe.

You can download the evaluation form here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Brandon...what a nice touch to the Blog to have you provide this reflective message and thanks.

    May you know of God Blessing throughout this year of service as our Moderator.
